Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Photorealism at the Millennium *

Ah... I thought I was learning a new photography technique. But what I learned was about a group of artists who experimented with several types of medium to get a new look.

By taking photographs or photographic facsimiles they would manipulate the picture by painting with oil or acrylic, or "collaging" with string, rubber or plastic to reform the image. So at first look it would be a photograph but at closer examination you would see the other 'arts' coming out. Subjects were common photographic images like fruitbowls, muscle cars, storefronts etc.

The book gave a glimpse into these specific artists. I guess the famous ones. There were about 30 of them in the 80's who developed this style of art. The author was responsible for gathering most of them for an event to announce his book and to see them interact with each other.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Book of 7 Truths: A Tale of Hope and Restoration, Calvin Miller *

A story within a story. A mother and son in the depression era encounter a mid-eastern sage, who helps them understand the way while allowing them to 'succeed' for themselves. In the midst of most difficult circumstances he mentors them through a book that offers 7 truths - teaching them that God is in charge, and we are not!.

In the end: all is as it should be. And Mr Rhovee has been an angel and mentor to yet another. Each of the 7 truths are written paraboliclly and each parable has a direct application to the mother and child. It was a fun book and the truths although simple drew me back to The Father with a greater hunger to serve and understanding of dependence.