Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Once Was Lost, Don Everts & Doug Schaupp

The new book from IVP. It's about campus evangelism, by these 2 veteran InterVarsity staff workers. I felt hat it was very insightful and helpful. The greatest tool provided is the foundations of the book - mainly the 5 Thresholds of Evangelism.

Included with good campus stories these 5 thresholds gave me good guidelines for moving deeper into the life of my friends who are not yet believers.
Threshold 1 - Moving from Distrust to Trust - Christians have lost so much trust. We need to learn to listen and not preach or scold.

Threshold 2 - Moving from Complacency to Curious - Once trusted we need to be intentional about being authentic and compelling as we share our story.

Threshold 3 - Moving from being closed to change to bring open to change in their life. - Are they willing to go to an event or a Bible study with us?

Threshold 4 - Moving from Meandering to Seeking - We should continue to be intentional about asking them where they are in their journey

Threshold 5 - Moving to cross the threshold of the Kingdom of God. - Don't forget to ask the right questions at the right time and be prepared for the answer.

I will recommend this book for all student leaders.

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